Policies of Attendance

E-learning Attendance Guidelines

In an E-Learning environment students need to understand that attendance is still essential, at JIS we want our students to have clear understanding of our expectations.

The E-learning Attendance Guidelines below will be reviewed regularly to ensure that it is an accurate reflection of current practice within our school and to ensure that it is in line with the KSA inspection framework and takes into consideration current international research on best practice for e-learning.

Student attendance during distance learning is defined as active participation in all required classes.

Aims & Objectives

Through the E-learning attendance guidelines we aim to:

  • Ensure the importance of attendance is key during Distance Learning.
  • Regular attendance during lessons will be reflected in grade levels of attainment and achievement.
  • Parents, guardians, and students need to support us in ensuring that attendance is regular just as it would have been in the traditional classroom.
  • We will be monitoring attendance.

Attendance taken during e-learning.

  • Attendance during the E-learning period will be marked on canvas LMS.
    • Teacher/Phase supervisors mark students’ attendance on canvas LMS for live sessions daily.
    • Final attendance is calculated the following day to allow for evening assignment submission.
    • Attendance for the previous week will be closed on the following Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
    •  This gives students’ time and flexibility to complete the tasks assigned during the week and submit their work by Saturday before 7:00p.m.
    • Parents will be contacted regarding any absences, and any unexcused absences will be noted in student’s file.


The attendance of each student is monitored weekly (by the supervisors) during the E- learning period and it is rated as follows:

Green                  98 – 100% – Outstanding

Yellow                96 – 95.9% – Very Good

Orange                92 – 95% – Good

Red                    92% and under – Acceptable/Weak

  • Parents of the students who fall in the red or orange category will be contacted by the teacher via email and/or SMS.
    • A letter/email from the coordinator will be sent to the parent of student who is persistently absent (red category for 3 weeks) or if the student is absent for 5 consecutive days without any information to the teacher.

Roles & Responsibilities of stakeholders during E-learning

Responsibilities of Parents

  • Ensure that their child is regular for the online lessons.
    • To check the distance learning time-table and make sure that the child logs in on time.
    • Inform teachers on the first day of absence via email.
    • Scan and send document/s required for authorized leave like medical leave to the supervisor.

Responsibilities of the Teacher

  • Ensure that all students are registered accurately.
    • Ensure students that have submitted assignments later in the day or week are marked as present
    • Communicate with the IT dept. if any student is missing out lessons due to technical or login issues.
    • Promote and reward good attendance through positive reinforcement.
    • Positively motivate students virtually about being punctual and regular to classes.

Responsibility of Supervisor

  • Monitor that attendance of all classes is being recorded and documented.
    • Report to HOS if a student is absent for more than 5 consecutive days.
    • Communicate with parents in case of unauthorized absence.
    • Keep a record of documents being submitted by parents regarding absence.

Responsibilities of the Head of Section

  • Ensure the Attendance Policy is consistently applied.
    • Ensure that attendance is both recorded accurately and analyzed regularly.
    • Communicate any concerns or underlying problems that may account for a student’s absence and to monitor any safeguarding issues.
    • To plan support for student absence due to long term illnesses or with emotional

problems (stress/anxiety). Contact with parents and student to be maintained.

Responsibilities of students

  • To take ownership of their learning during the E-learning period and attend class every day unless they are ill or have an authorized absence.
    • Follow the time-table shared and login for lessons on time.

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